Perry River

Contributed by Richard Maggs
What It's Like
« Old Faithful » for the revelstoke paddler. One of the first runs to thaw and the last ones to dry up.
Scouting / Portaging
Scouting and portaging are challenging at times but do not require rope work. Only the greatest pf beaters drop their brand new tuna2’s into this river while portaging.
2 hours
When to Go
All spring and summer
84.4cms↓ (Oct 22 09:15)
Upper Perry: 
  Runs above 15 on the eagle gauge. 3k of class 2 coupled with beautiful scenery to start. Above 100 its best to get out left before the canyon to scout. The upper canyon still goes but it does get pretty pushy at high water. At lower water run the boogie down into the canyon before getting out left after the first left turn. From here you can scout the first drop for wood. The left line is the easiest and involves a couple fun boofs. The right is pushier and more consequential. It offers one large boof and is generally favoured at lower water (below 30). The second drop can always be run by starting a boatlength off the right wall and driving right to late boof the hole. This move feels pretty hyphy/class 5 above 80 cumecs but the hole always flushes against the hole on the right. 
  The next section is about 2k of read and run class 3 with fun boofs and eddies to catch at any level. The river calms down a bit right before a creek comes in from river right. Eddy out by the mouth of this creek to scout  Carl’s. A nice portage and scouting path exists down the right side. Make your way through the fun boulder garden before boofing left or right around Carls hole at the bottom. Watch for logs stuck on the big rock at the bottom of the rapid. Enjoy fun class 2-3 boulder gardens to the takeout. 

  Four fun class 4 rapids typically paddled below 40 on the gauge. Begin with 1k of class 2 boulder gardens. At the first big left bend get out right to scout. There is a trail here that runs the whole canyon for photographers, bored partners and other shuttle bunnies (❤️ U Logan). This first rapid is called popcorn. Drive off the big autoboof (the popper) stay left and watch for the hole at the end. It gets sticky at high water. For the next drop ride the left wall and boof into the eddy or run off the autoboof in the centre. Be mindful of the sieve on the left after the eddy and make sure you are right of centre while exiting this drop. Firework is easily scouted, portaged or snuck on the left while centre and right lines can both be used to line up the right boof. The hole on the right flushes despite how violent it looks and responds well to the ohio tuck. 
Teenage dream: the last and most difficult run on this section. Scout from a micro eddy above the sieve river right. Beware that this eddy can disappear at high water. Run the hard left channel and make two sweet boofs before picking your way around the boulder in the narrowest point of the canyon. This big boulder is undercut and boasts a nasty pin spot on the upstream side. At low water it is easy to set safety on the right. Run the last 2 slides hard left before the canyon opens up and you enjoy the class 2 paddle back to your car. Don’t forget to look back upstream and around you to enjoy the beautiful scenery in this gorgeous rainforest canyon.